12U Select
The Peppers are a fiery group of 2013 and 2014 ballers who love the game.
Several of our players are from the Highland Village/South Denton Area. We use iTrain Softball Academy as our home base.
Our coaches provide a competitive, fun environment with an emphasis on skill development, character development, and mental approach.
We Value…
- WORK ETHIC- self- motivated kids who are working hard to compete & execute
- RESPECT- kids who respect their coaches, parents, teammates, competitors, & umpires
- POSITIVE ATTITUDES- kids who work through the ups and downs in a positive & productive manner
- BALANCE- balance keeps our kids mentally & physically happier & healthier for the long haul
- FUN- we are a TEAM & love to have fun together. We value our awesome parents & players who like to have a good time playing & watching the sport we love!
#1 Havannah Hunt
Mid-Inf, OF, Utility
#3 Carly Layman
Pitcher, Corner, Utility
#4 Emelie Bowen
pitcher, util
#6 Campbell Canterbury
Mid-inf, Utility
#8 Selah Schneider
Utility, C
#9 Sage Freeman
Mid-Inf, OF
#13 Ella Lightfoot
C, Utility
#14 Calaye Smith
Catcher, Corner
#22 Bri Benson
#24 Vera Charles
Corner, OF
#55 Elliette Mathew
Pitcher, Corner
#78 McKinley Frazer
Mid inf/OF
Coach Alli Hunt
Head Coach
Coach Sean Lightfoot
Assistant Coach
Coach Billy Mathew
Assistant Coach
Donate to the Peppers!
Feeling generous?
If you would like to help the Peppers, any donations sent are a 501c3 tax-deductible. And 100% will go towards team expenses. Please put “Peppers donation” and any details you would like us to know in the comments section of your payment.
Thank you!!