12U Select
The Peppers are a fiery group of 2013 and 2014 ballers who love the game.
Several of our players are from the Highland Village/South Denton Area. We use iTrain Softball Academy as our home base.
Our coaches provide a competitive, fun environment with an emphasis on skill development, character development, and mental approach.
We Value…
- WORK ETHIC- self- motivated kids who are working hard to compete & execute
- RESPECT- kids who respect their coaches, parents, teammates, competitors, & umpires
- POSITIVE ATTITUDES- kids who work through the ups and downs in a positive & productive manner
- BALANCE- balance keeps our kids mentally & physically happier & healthier for the long haul
- FUN- we are a TEAM & love to have fun together. We value our awesome parents & players who like to have a good time playing & watching the sport we love!
#1 Havannah Hunt
Mid-Inf, OF, Utility
#3 Carly Layman
Pitcher, Corner, Utility
#4 Emelie Bowen
pitcher, util
#6 Campbell Canterbury
Mid-inf, Utility
#8 Selah Schneider
Utility, C
#9 Sage Freeman
Mid-Inf, OF
#13 Ella Lightfoot
C, Utility
#14 Calaye Smith
Catcher, Corner
#22 Bri Benson
#24 Vera Charles
Corner, OF
#55 Elliette Mathew
Pitcher, Corner
#78 McKinley Frazer
Mid inf/OF
Coach Alli Hunt
Head Coach
Coach Sean Lightfoot
Assistant Coach
Coach Billy Mathew
Assistant Coach